IRTG2403 - Regulatory Genome


KonradKonrad Chudzik

Max-Planck-Institut for Molecular Genetics (MPI-MG)
Ihnestraße 63-73
14195 Berlin, Germany

Email: chudzik[at]


Main Supervisor: Stefan Mundlos 






Project description: 

Konrad Chudzik is a PhD candidate examining the role of the nuclear envelope in regulating gene expression. Konrad is developing a combined in vivo single cell DamID and transcriptomics approach to elucidate mechanisms and function of chromatin attachment to the nuclear envelope.  


Curriculum Vitae:

Since 2019: IRTG2403 Graduate student with Stefan Mundlos, MPIMG

2017-2019 Masters in Cancer, Stem Cells and Developmental Biology, Utrecht University

2013-2016 Bachelor in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, University of Applied Sciences Krems